People make purchasing decisions on average 3 times every day in different locations and for different purposes. Vendors face different customer segments almost every day with buying decisions that are only made on the spur of the moment. By making the most of this valuable and unique opportunity for brands and sellers, understanding the customer and their needs in the shortest time possible, we offer the principles and tactics necessary for the “right” sale that will ensure a long-term relationship as well as realizing the “perfect” sale.
Who Should Attend
All sales, marketing, brand, communication and customer service employees who are in face-to-face contact with customers.
Education Content
- Seller’s Date
- Changing Sales and Marketing Management in the World
- Sales-Brand and Customer Relationship
- A New Concept:CRM
- Influential Emotions in Purchasing
- Consumption Activities in Purchasing
- Integration of CRM into Sales
- First minutes with the customer
- Customer identification and customer groupings
- Customer processes and customer leaders
- Customer and communication strategies
- Outcome-oriented communication – Information gathering
- Customer motivation
- 6 key points for building lasting relationships with customers
- Company’s Customer Constitution
- Communication and Application Channel Integrations
- Basic sales methods and Customer Fiction
- What kind of offer do you make to your customer?
- First Stage in Customer Focused Sales
- Creative behavior for sales
- Tactics to be applied in a Negotiation Environment
- Dialog with difficult customers
- Important Factors in Real Service
- Time Management
- Meeting customer objections and complaints after sales
- Turning customer complaints into satisfaction
- The importance of customer satisfaction and ensuring it
- Measuring customer satisfaction
- Calculating customer value and customer profitability
- The importance of customer loyalty and ensuring it