Employee satisfaction is the sum of attitudes towards various aspects of work. Every person who wants to take part in working life creates expectations for the physical conditions of the environment in which they will work in line with their education and habits, and they want their work to meet these characteristics. There is an expected level of achievement from the employee, and he/she is expected to reach this level of achievement according to his/her abilities and characteristics. If the needs of the individual and his/her value judgments are compatible with his/her work, “employee satisfaction” will emerge.
Employee satisfaction surveys generally aim to measure employees’ level of satisfaction with the organization, their level of loyalty to the organization and the people they work with, and to plan actions to increase employee satisfaction and loyalty as a result of these measurements.
Employee satisfaction determines employees’ satisfaction with the facilities and services provided to them within the organization.
Drying Benefits
It enables the identification of areas for improvement to increase productivity and business performance within the organization, based on their impact on the organization’s primary and overall performance. It enables to measure the effectiveness of the practices and guides the organization in creating the most appropriate action plans to increase employee satisfaction and loyalty.
With employee satisfaction surveys, you can listen to your employees, understand what they think and get to know them better.
If you need employee satisfaction surveys, you can contact us communication you can move on.